This blog is dedicated to the viewing and sale of my handmade handbags, quilt tops & quilt kits. I hope you enjoy looking around. Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions, and thank you for visiting.

About Me

My photo
Midway, UT
Hello everyone! My name is Nicole and I am a stay at home mother of 4. I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, tinkering on the computer, and having picnics under a tree with my kids. I have recently rediscovered my love of sewing and thought it would be fun to sew handbags and reusable shopping bags for gifts, friends, and my two little girls. I hope you enjoy viewing all the items for sale, and will equally enjoy my blogs as I document my struggles and joys as a reborn seamstress, mother, wife and business woman.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Today I have cut out 6 bags and all I have to say is NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF A GOOD PAIR OF SCISSORS. I spent all day switching between THREE pairs of scissors and a rotary cutter. 
A while ago I purchased a sharpener for my scissors and made the mistake of actually using it. All three pairs of scissors are now consequently dull and sort of chew through the fabric rather than cut smoothly. I have realized the importance of hiding your "good" pair of scissors from the kids because 1. they run off with them and NEVER return them, and 2. the paper they so lovingly cut their cards and crafts with dulls the blades of said scissors. 

The moral of the story is... buy good scissors - hide them from kids.



  1. And you threaten to kill them if they do touch your good scissors. Well do I remember what I had to do to keep mine sharp. A good pair is so expensive but well worth having.


  2. yeah I should threaten the kids... too bad I threaten all the time... they aren't scared of me anymore. I guess I should just hide the scissors underneath my pillow at night. They touch, they die!

    Hey I need a pair of button hole scissors. Does anyone know where I can find some? They are actually hard to find.
